karen millen: <em>?</em>Here are some solutions for you to help get your to your Success faster:Tire #1 – Make sure you get familiar with ALL of the products the company offers and that you are able to explain them very well to others. Some call it your “Why” for doing the business. Now, by what means do you plan to get to your destination? Well, since it is a road, the best way may be to use a vehicle. <object width="512" height="288"><param name="movie" value="http://www.hulu.com/embed/f6FqRWJOWuQYMuBW4vTLnA"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.hulu.com/embed/f6FqRWJOWuQYMuBW4vTLnA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="512" height="288" allowFullScreen="true"></embed></object>
In fact, if you have a flat tire initially, it may take some time before you even move forward on the road. How fast you get to your success, is totally up to you, if you even get there at all.al with your Network Marketing business.One is your belief system in the company’s products. Four is your belief system in your self. This vehicle has four tires. It is very difficult to fill this tire on the first presentation or the first training session. You want to get from point A to point Z. So, your belief in the company may need some additional attention after you sign up. Make sure you have tried ALL of the products and are using them yourself. Two is your belief system in the company. And if you have not learned by now, the more specific you picture things the greater likelihood of the universe bringing it to you. Unfortunately, our “Success Vehicles” come with different levels of air in each tire. If you have more than one tire flat, you may have to call a tow truck,hermes bag on sale, which will take some more time before you hit the gas pedal. This one is actually what we bring to the table and has the most potential for improvement that will carry into many areas of your life, not just your new business. Keep up to speed on any p Lastly, the fourth tire – belief in your abilities.Tire #2 – Make sure you print out and read the company’s policies and procedures. Most actually sign up with a very flat tire. ?As we all know, it is important to have properly inflated tires before you head out on a drive in your vehicle. Not good. Call the customer service line frequently and ask good questions. This leads to different levels of performance with the vehicle and how fast or slow we arrive at our destination, if at all. The length of time they have been around – head quarters, management team, and a few other details. So, let’s call it a vehicle by which to travel to your dream, your goal, your vision, your “Why”. You may have to call AAA and that will take even more time before you are off and cruising along. Now for the second tire – belief in the?company. However, if you are committed to getting to your destination, you will do what it takes to get those tires up to speed so they can carry you to your point Z.The key components of your “Success Vehicle” are the tires. As for the third tire – belief?in Network Marketing. Think of how you felt when you went to a nice restaurant and asked the Server how their specialty dish tastes and they say that they have not actually tried it yet. More specifically, four belief systems. Three is your belief system in Network Marketing. The product is usually not the most common tire that needs to be inflated. You will have to spend some time fixing the flat or changing the tire. So you develop a desire to travel down the road to success. So let’s call the means your “Success Vehicle”. Keep in mind that it is critical that you picture this goal very clearly. Remember, you are the professional so you need to act like one. These four tires represent your belief system. Usually, on your first exposure to the opportunity you get just enough about the company to make you feel comfortable.?Most likely, your first tire – belief?in the company’s products had much to do with why you invested money into the opportunity in the first place.Now, I want you to think of your goal as your destination – your success, so to speak.